It's All About the Journey

Today is your future. Live in the moment!

99% Humidity

It’s just plain old hot and muggy here in the northeast.  Air conditioners whirring away.  If you don’t have a pool, pond or lake to splash in, you lay low indoors.  

My own set up is an air conditioner on wheels that vents to the window.  I finally put it on a low occasional table (sloshing of course and spilling) because I tired of rolling it over to the porch daily (sometimes twice).  Last year it was new and I didn’t have to empty it for a few days, but this year it’s not holding it’s own.  Which is a shame.  (And yes, I’ve studied the directions, the only help they give is that if you have emptied the extra tank, call Customer Service…).  Upstairs I rely on contractor’s ingenuity and open every single window, the downstairs front door (leaving the screen locked, of course!) and putting on two fans.  And the Lord of the Universe sets the breeze in motion, cooling down the entire house (then watch Kathi close everything, absolutely everything, windows, shades, venetian blinds every morning).  At 4 p.m., it starts all over again.  But at least it’s bearable.  And soon the nights will start cooling off again (I do consider it cool when it’s in the 70s, but better when it dips lower).  And summer is half over.  Let us not wish our lives away.  Live in the moment.

Attached photo is Schroon Lake NY public beach, July 4th.


Author: kmoser56

portrait photographer, mostly, with a yen for travel. Opening up to a world of discovery, I have found little bitty things worthy of "macro photographing," and have more recently enjoyed the learning the joys of HDR. Having joined the world of bloggers, I have been honing my own writing skills, and feel the blossoming of my soul inside.

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