It's All About the Journey

Today is your future. Live in the moment!

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Playing Catch Up

It’s been a summer, hasn’t it? All of my best intentions that started in January (or was it February?) were thrown into a big pile of “I’ll get to it…”

All my promises to my readers about the things I carry are still on the table, etc. All the promises and writing desire during the first part of the pandemic never saw the light of day. I have been lost in the domesticity of life and trying to work while freaking out internally and trying not to, over the COVID-19.

So, I sit here, with my cat by my side…she has a stool that she inhabits when I write, or sit at the computer checking to see in anyone may listen, or reading others…she waits to be pet, she loves to be groomed, her heavy long fur dreadlocks have become unmanageable for her and she can use a little help (but it stimulates her and she cannot help but get up and twirl around trying to get comfortable until I move the brush down her back again, and it starts all over again!).

Ginger on her perch

Anyway, summer is half over and we are fairly well established in our little cottage. The 3 hummingbirds like to fight over two feeders. The butternut squash is choking out my perennials (roll over, Beethovan) and the farmer has been forbidden to plant the squash plant there next year (he knew, he just didn’t tell me, after all, vegetables are more productive than flowers, in his eyes–at least, that is what I have come to believe about his stand on things). The artesian well is my lifeline and I hold my thermos for work underneath the clear fresh stream bubbling out of the pipe, my magic potion for my day.

Squash leaves lurk behind the echinacea
The Artesian Well

We’ve “gone to town” on the blueberry picking at the local blueberry U-Pick. Bob really knows how to do blueberry bushes right. And they are abundant and every one of them is SWEET. Wowsers! It has been a record year for Kuhn’s Blueberries, here in upstate New York (this is not a paid advertisement, this is just sayin’). Maybe people just need to get out, and this is a safe way of doing it. Yes, it is.

I’ve become a Persian rug junkie. I fell totally in love with “the oriental” carpet last fall. It hasn’t gotten much better. I started watching YouTubes on design and authenticity. I’m getting there. Slowly. I’ve gotten 3 more carpets. I wanted to write a cute story about a magic carpet, until I saw on YouTube that the magic carpet is made completely of silk. I’m a purist, I need that magic carpet now. So the story needs to wait a bit. (Which is why stories never quite get done…)

Ginger amid the Persian Sea of carpets

If I ever do write something (for publication), I think it will need to be a series of short stories, as short blogs are about all I have attention for, at this point. I can read the novel, but only a page or two at a time. So, with that in mind, I will tailor my writing for my fans to that.

I could run on and on, but I think I better let you keep moving onto the next. Or you could search my old posts…