It's All About the Journey

Today is your future. Live in the moment!

Healthcare…the Struggle Continues

I was told on the telephone by UHS representative that I could sign up for Essential Health Care, for only $20/month.  Today I went online to find it.  I can get it, but only if I live in certain counties (downstate) in New York.

So, it’s not that I don’t TRY to find affordable health care, it’s just UNAVAILABLE for me.  You can refer to previous blogs of mine regarding this issue.

Let me underline this:  You may need to make your own home made health care plan.  Look to see if you can do it, with the help from the medical community that is there to help you. No one should be sick and not be able to afford it.  Yes, it may take awhile to pay it all back, but there are financial advocates in every hospital system, and it is their job to help you.

Breathe In, Breathe Out

We live, we die, it’s driving me crazy.  Then I take a deep breath, realize I live on the pale blue dot.

As long as the flow of change within us is fresh, we will be perfectly healthy.  (unknown author)


Music Streaming

I don’t know about anyone else, but my mind is constantly playing MUSIC.  If you read yesterday’s post, it was Barenaked Ladies, “If I had a Million Dollars.”

Unfortunately, this can tend to drive me crazy, until I change the record.  How do I do that?  Sometimes I have to deliberately think of another song.  Sometimes it’s the power of suggestion that changes that song.  I recently found a mouse in the snap trap in the cellar.  My brain went into an old nursery rhyme about the cat who visited the queen, “he frightened a little mouse under her chair.”

Another way to change the record is to turn on music.  I just find it very interesting, when I think about it, though, that my brain constantly seems to have to have a rhythm.  Even if it’s one that I made up as a child, it has followed me all of my life.

That, and/or counting my footsteps.  Have you ever done that?  I’ll be walking down the street and avoiding cracks or counting how many steps between each sidewalk slab or division.

There is always a rhythm, always a song of some sort in my mind.

On that note, here’s a favorite…