It's All About the Journey

Today is your future. Live in the moment!

How “it’s done!”

Leslie said, “this is how it’s done.”

No Mom! Said Jake, THIS is how it’s done!”

Now wait, says Grandma, this is how it’s REALLY done!”

(Videography by Joscelyn Studios)

Hummingbird Don’t Fly Away

I’ve set up my petunias, my columbine.  I’ve seen three hummingbirds in the short amount of time I dwell out of doors. Still have yet to capture them photographically.  Patience and Time.

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History – Then & Now


One can only imagine the thrill (being an Oxford native) of realization that the train still ran in 2004, when I moved back to Oxford, New York.  Here is the picture, taken from my back yard, in June 2006.  About a week (or so) later, a devastating flood hit, destroying the tracks in several places.  It was heartbreaking to realize this was gone.

Below is the “good news” article about repairing the line.  And to make this good news even better, the work has begun!

Evening Walk

The perfect day for a walk to my self-dubbed bird sanctuary–the dike, the abandoned railroad tracks.  Yes I found a few birds.  I heard some, too.  I cannot find the bird in my field guide. Similar to the red wing blackbird, but the wing color shape all wrong. No picture, they aren’t still enough for me (yet).  But, walking along the river I made some beautiful discoveries.

Forget-me-nots were everywhere!  These are, by far, my favorite.  I’d see them in the woods as a small child, and somehow related too them (we were both small).

Walking on the overgrown tracks, I spied homespun bird houses 

And then, in this grand meadow, this sanctuary I call “mine,” I found a home of another type

     Private thinking space, perhaps. Another day more clues!

Somehow, I felt closer to the spirit of Henry David Thoreau.

Nature can bring peace to the soul, if we give it a chance.