It's All About the Journey

Today is your future. Live in the moment!

Awaiting Spring

It’s been a quiet winter, writing, that is.  My life has been full of family, paint, and work.  Those things are not bad, they are things that keep me busy, keep me from thinking deep within.  Which is fine, we all need a break from ourselves, don’t we?

Those that do follow me, you’ve seen us painting.  The painting continues because we are interrupted by life happening!  My goal is the end of this month!  Then little things can be accomplished, but the massive undertaking will be done and I can live my life again, in rooms that need to be experienced by me. I see the sun shining in my large living room, and it needs me to enjoy it! (weekend project–the dining room!)


I spent an exciting evening watching my son, the principal, do a “shoot out” with the competitor school principal between basketball games (yes, it was basketballs!).

Oh what fun!  My family brings me great joy.

I babysat last weekend and the little ones were so absolutely adorable!  Little Miss thought she would really “be really bored” while the old folks watched 1963 (I believe) “Great Race” with Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon and Natalie Wood.  Surprise!  She couldn’t wait to see what Professor Fate would do next!  And, one of the highlights of our weekend was the trip to McDonald’s.  It is, after all, “our kind of place.”


Little Boy loves his boots from Grandma and Ross


So, as you can see, it’s been a very busy winter.  It’s March 11th, and for the second weekend in a row, we are experiencing the brutal temperatures of winter!  I sure do look forward to spring.  I hope my British Soldiers can hang in there!


This Old House

More wallpaper to tell us stories. This was hidden above the windows!

Preparing our way into our tomorrows, and revealing a past. Walls with stories.

Paint and Previous Worlds

Painting an old house is full of challenges.  Uneven walls, coats of paint over paint, mixed in with wallpaper and the past.  

Efforts today have been focused on painting the hallway.  I decided two walls ago (very small walls, by the way) that this color was definitely not the right color!  My attempt to cut a corner and paint over the mostly stripped off border was defeated by the paper curling (note to self, paper curls when painted over, you’d think I would’ve learned that the last time).  So I had to scrape.  Amazing how easy it comes off when coated with paint! Balanced precariously on the top of the big old ancient upright piano,  I carefully started peeling…

I can’t say much for taste here, but I am amazed and curious over the wallpaper that was chosen many years ago.  I imagine it had to be early 20th century.  Never mind…now I just need to finish and get to the store and visit MJ, my personal assistant in paint. (And no, my hair really isn’t as streaked as it now looks! It’s all about the paint!)

The Color of …

Woke up full of ambition. With nothing “on my plate,” I decided that I would remake my office. 


 The tough question was “colonial blue” or a soft subdued green.  I went with the blue. I’m a little disappointed, had

 hoped it would dry darker…


But if I ever get around to painting the living room (project that I desperately have to do, but monumentus) the green, I’ll buy extra….stay tuned for final finished product on the office/den.