It's All About the Journey

Today is your future. Live in the moment!

At Tynerdale Farm

The farmer said, “There are baby ducks on the pond, with their mother.”  So I went to see what I could see, grabbing the DSLR from it’s dusty shelf.

Tynerdale Farm-7518The ducklings and mama hurriedly raced through the water and ducked behind the island for safety, and out of view.  I waited, but they stayed.  I turned and walked up a bit, to see if I could take in the barn with the tree in the foreground, when suddenly …

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“Mom?  Is that you?  What are you doing up here?  You’re not supposed to be here!” said Eliza.  She steps closer…

Tynerdale Farm-7543She stared at my as if to let me know it was not my place to be there, but hers.  So I started down the hill.  Satisfied, she walked away…


Tynerdale Farm-7547There is something special about Eliza.  She and Sofia ate peaches last summer, and there’s just something peaceful about both of them.  Creatures from God, with life lessons for us.

Let’s not forget the promise of tomorrow…

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World of Terror

A long time in speaking up.  Fear of people thinking I’m too radical.  Too shallow minded. 

Freedom of speech in hand, I want to say this: “why are tourists allowed to go to hostile countries?”  I think that, until situations change, no one should be allowed to travel into a hostile country.  It is a sad thing that Otto has lost his life.  But a very foolish thing for our government to allow tourists the ability to travel into a hostile country.  We are asking for trouble.  Guidance is needed.  Why are we setting ourselves up for failure, for loss of life?  

We have to show wisdom and discernment.  Is this a good experience or a bad one?  Are my actions in keeping with their culture, or am I putting myself (and possibly others) at risk?  

Be careful Americans.  Know what you’re getting into.  We have to take care of ourselves!

A Case of Rip Van Winkle

Did anyone see 60 Minutes last night?  There was this great article regarding our smart phones and an interview with a millenial about programming our brains, needing assurance that there are people out there paying attention to us.

Here is the link.

I’ll say no more, let the article speak for itself!  Let me wake up from my sleep, like Rip Van Winkle, and understand our world.  Now I know why the pings from my followers are so important to me.  And to you.


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The Kingdom of Drawer

One wouldn’t think that the simple act of changing out a drawer could change one’s world.  But it is one step closer to the freedom of love and belonging.

Our utensils have “lived” in a pellmell world.  A large drawer with two molded plastic trays and no room for any one thing in each, ruling this little kingdom called Drawer in almost complete anarchy.  Until yesterday.  We took the drawer out and cleaned it out.  Completely.  The goal, to get rid of those things that weigh us down.  Plastic spoons from early childhood days, grapefruit knives that no longer even look like grapefruit knives, blades that fall out of old wooden handles.  Butter knives.  Many many butter knives.  Last count was eight and I kept two out (just in case), there could be more hidden in these kitchen drawers.

And, what did we do with the remains of the kingdom of Drawer?  We gave them a new look.  An old utensil mold that had no more use, except that it was enormous, went into Drawer.

I entered the Kingdom of Drawer this morning in search of a spoon for my coffee, and the peace I found inside of this little drawer kingdom was of such comfort, I felt the need to spread this good news.  Everything was right.  Everything was neat and tidy, and all knew their place.  They are happy.

Life is about being happy, even if it is only one drawer at a time.  Keep your pace, find your peace, even if it is only one drawer at a time.  The rest will come.