It's All About the Journey

Today is your future. Live in the moment!

It’s a Holiness

Waiting for the night sky to arrive, here in the Dale. While I wait, I fall into the silence and nature that I’ve ignored all day, with life’s busyness.

I hear a variety of birds. Thanks to Cornell’s Merlin ID, I know to whom I am listening. The American robin, the Canada goose. A white breasted nuthatch puts in his two cents, and there is a chimney swift, an eastern starling, and the eastern kingbird. Merlin turns each listing yellow, so I know who is singing what.

This is holiness. Ralph Waldo Emerson often spoke of nature as the outpouring of God and how one can learn of God just through nature!

I lay here with my window open. Soon the birds will sleep, but perhaps there will be night sounds…

What To Do….?

For years, we have relied on Facebook. It was the golden child. It overtook all the other social media networks (or whatever you can call them). But after the whistleblower Sunday night, what now?

I did a search for the best social network, minus Facebook. While we all know Facebook was not the best, it was the most popular.

So…now what?

WordPress has always been my safe place, a spot I enjoy, and I do have friends here! So, I may use this to create a WordPress Challenge: expanding our minds, revealing our thoughts, in a more productive manner. To present our current mindset, to open up on the inside, enjoy social media on an entirely new level, perhaps.

Just a thought.

Meanwhile, enjoy what God has presented us with: a beautiful October!

Motherhood in Progress

Killdeer Kadie-9446

She sits, quiet, stoic, patient, hidden from us.  We try to use the front door, persuade the cats, who somehow have not noticed her, to hang out with us doing our outdoor activities.  They do not mind, raised interactively with humans, they enjoy hanging out (it’s when we aren’t there that they tend to get into trouble, bringing in a dead varmint to play with…).

We have watched the killdeer off and on all day.  Nature is so patient.  We humans certainly could learn some lessons, couldn’t we?

Saturday Takeaway

Killdeer Resident

New resident here at Tynerdale Cottage. A nest built in the lawn designed with nature (a temporary feature), she guards her nest carefully, and we have to be mindful now of the cats! Nothing like teaching them how to go in and out, only to now have to rethink that.

Killdeer nest
“We have to go out the back door!”

But this is nature’s takeaway today and it’s all for me, because I ask.

P.S. we had to name the bird Kadie.

The Takeaway

Each day this week I have tried to take stock and pay attention to 1 takeaway a day, a blessing, you could say.

Monday – a bird on our front lawn, helping us get rid of the chaff to uncover new grass, stopping every few steps and collecting for her nest.

Tuesday – the weather perfect for my lunch break walk, I spotted two killdeer in conversation at the edge of the road. Carefully walking and crossing to the other side (as to not startle them), they were beak to beak and then calmly turned to head down to the stream with another 2 that were waiting.

Wednesday – the deer popped out in front of me and I almost hit her. Looking back into the rear view mirror was deer #2. She had waited. (Whew!)

Thursday – I had to fast before blood work. Aggravating a bit, I stopped into the local mini market for coffee to complete the morning ritual but at work. I got to work and took a sip. It was the best I’ve tasted in quite awhile.

These are my takeaways, blessings if you will. Share yours below.

Go ahead!

The Call of the Wild

I woke and lay there, my mind racing with my own thoughts.  Thoughts of my future, thoughts of the day to day routines, how am I going to… (fill in with next project, next decision to make).

As I laid there, waiting for the urge to stop thinking and focus on sleep again (it’s a counting backwards thing–you know…100…99…98…97…)  I heard the pack.  Yip-yip-yip…coyotes.  What was their cry and why?  Not just one or two.  A pack.

I am safe from these wild things.  I take precautions.  We are cool with each other, as long as we do not invade each other’s territory.  And sometimes that happens.

While their yips caused me a slight jolt of fear, I was reminded of nature and her wild ways.  Humans are at the top of the food chain.  We think, we reason, we build, we take over.  There is no room for nature, only humans.  We create, we live, we want the wild.  We tame the wild.  We build our cities, we build our houses and our factories, and our warehouses to store all of the wonderful things we have made, so we can sell/share it with others.

But nature can take over anytime she wants.  In our confidence as humans, we build things to last, for a little while, because we tend, now that we have the technology, to tear down and build more and better.  Then the hurricane flies.  The tornado winds swirl, the mosquito bites.  Humans worry and wonder how will they make it through this natural disaster?

Oh, but nature is so beautiful.  Wouldn’t it be nice to live here?  Yes, it would be good.  But you do have to live respectfully and naturally.  There are wild things in this world that need respect.

Carefully, let us tread.


Man vs. Nature

I’m so tired of news. Man vs. Nature. What do they expect? Seriously! We mess with the land, we try to tame nature. There is no taming her. She will take over whenever man tries to control her too much. When will we learn to respect her? Leave the Everglades alone, respond to the cities and leave if you need to!

Leave her for a few moments, she will take over her world. This is her world. It’s not nice to try to fool Mother Natire, after all.