It's All About the Journey

Today is your future. Live in the moment!

Writer’s “Cramp”

Reviewing this blog, I’ve noticed that I haven’t been very faithful.  So, I thought that, perhaps, you’d like to know how I myself am doing at this fiction writing exercise.  I’m interested in knowing what my readers are doing.  Are you writing?  Has the challenge tickled your imagination yet?

I admit, I haven’t written daily.  Out of all of my resources of books to grab sentences from, they all seemed to identify the book itself.  I know that, should I pursue any intentions, too, I have to rewrite that first sentence, so as to not to plagarize.

Here is what has happened so far…

The story of a small boy sitting in a tree, deciding the things that should be…

Houses shuttering their windows against the dust of the hot dry summer sun, taking their nap…

The rain set in early that night…

He picked up a copy of the early edition and studied the front page…

What I find most interesting is that each of the stories ended up with an entirely different take than what I had thought they’d end up being.  Then I wonder how in the world I came up with THAT?

These are all rough (very rough) drafts, but eventually I will come up, I believe, with something to construct my very own novel with.  Even if I don’t, the exercise is a lot of fun.  But like all exercise, it does take discipline and consistency in order to get results!