It's All About the Journey

Today is your future. Live in the moment!

It’s a Holiness

Waiting for the night sky to arrive, here in the Dale. While I wait, I fall into the silence and nature that I’ve ignored all day, with life’s busyness.

I hear a variety of birds. Thanks to Cornell’s Merlin ID, I know to whom I am listening. The American robin, the Canada goose. A white breasted nuthatch puts in his two cents, and there is a chimney swift, an eastern starling, and the eastern kingbird. Merlin turns each listing yellow, so I know who is singing what.

This is holiness. Ralph Waldo Emerson often spoke of nature as the outpouring of God and how one can learn of God just through nature!

I lay here with my window open. Soon the birds will sleep, but perhaps there will be night sounds…


Film at 11.  Haha.  Just kidding.  This is my first time catching the little fellow.  There were actually three, they were swooping and a lot of activity last night.  I have to figure out how to keep all three happy now.  Not an easy task for this novice ornithologist.  I learned how they chatter, or sing, or whatever you’d call it.

Evening Walk

The perfect day for a walk to my self-dubbed bird sanctuary–the dike, the abandoned railroad tracks.  Yes I found a few birds.  I heard some, too.  I cannot find the bird in my field guide. Similar to the red wing blackbird, but the wing color shape all wrong. No picture, they aren’t still enough for me (yet).  But, walking along the river I made some beautiful discoveries.

Forget-me-nots were everywhere!  These are, by far, my favorite.  I’d see them in the woods as a small child, and somehow related too them (we were both small).

Walking on the overgrown tracks, I spied homespun bird houses 

And then, in this grand meadow, this sanctuary I call “mine,” I found a home of another type

     Private thinking space, perhaps. Another day more clues!

Somehow, I felt closer to the spirit of Henry David Thoreau.

Nature can bring peace to the soul, if we give it a chance. 

The Very Thought of You

Early each morning, about 4:50 a.m., actually, the birds start their morning song.  For me, this is a song of faith for today.  We have enough strength to deal with today and today only, that is why (in my mind) the bird sings each morning, to remind me that a new day is at hand.  I get to take advantage of this day, the only day that I have left.  I defend my territory, claim it as mine, I do my best to attract others by being only who I am, not what someone else wants.  It’s called self love.

I’ve done a lot of reading and thinking about self love.  This needs to be promoted.  Releasing the burdens of our life on a daily basis, until the recording stops inside, and we have forgiven ourselves for experiences that perhaps were not the wisest, but with our primitive tools was all we had to use at that time.  Like magic, a new tool has appeared.  Why didn’t I have that tool before?  Because you didn’t.  You did the best you could.  It’s okay.

Soul acceptance is important.  My soul knows exactly what it is doing, I need to acknowledge that and love me.  And continue to seek the best.  On a daily basis.  Reflecting yesterday, I wrote these words: “Smile when I think of me.  I smile when I think of someone who gives me pleasure.  I need to smile at the thought of me.” 

The Warbler’s Morning Song

I waken to the birds

I cannot see

only hear their song.

Faithfully they rise

every morning to greet

and announce a new day.

Who am I to question them

Who am I to say–

Life is a drudge,

oh no, it’s not

just listen

this is their way

as decided by a Creator.

Listen to their song

Faith and Hope springs

with the rising of the sun.

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Following the Song

Okay, this was my walk on Easter Sunday. Can’t see the birds, but I CAN hear them. I hear a soft meow. I’m assuming it’s a type of bird. I would LOVE feedback on these, bird experts! (It’s not the best video, but I’m focusing on the sound here, oh, turn up your speakers…)

And, by the way, those that like to laugh…the last story? I realized the following day while playing a computer game that the birds were singing in the GAME, not outside the window…how’s THAT for being fooled? Good sound quality on the iPhone, I can say that!